Basic routine for body

Nobody is more responsible than ourselves when we see the consequences of not taking care of our bodies, which might cause issues in the long run to our bodies such as body acne, tanning, hyperpigmentation, dryness, flakiness, redness etc.

This happens because a lot of people are unaware about the routine which they should be following regarding their own bodies. There are a few general steps as a matter of fact, that one should follow if one has to take proper care of their own body, which are as below:

1. Cleansers: Cleansers are the first step in the routine, as they clean the surface dirt along with the pollution and impurities that gets accumulated on the body throughout the day. They mainly helps in leaving the skin clean and free of all the dirt and impurities so that your skin is ready for the next step!

How often to use: 1x a day generally in the morning (can be used 2x a day Once in the morning and once at night).

Now body cleansers come in different variations, based on ingredients, concern type, skin type, etc. and you can choose which one suits you the best, and follow with the routine. As a tip, go for the ones, that suits your skin type, and the weather conditions, and the cleanser itself will take care of the rest!

Body cleansers are usually marketed as soap, shower gel and body wash but don’t worry, they all do the same job ultimately.

How to use: For soaps, take the soap after wetting the body and use the soap as it is on whole body until it lathers and rinse afterwards. Pat dry.

For shower gels and body washes, take a little amount of the product on your palm or loofah and rub the product on whole body after wetting the body with water until it lathers well for about 2-3 minutes and rinse with water afterwards. Pat dry.

2. Lotions: Lotions are an important step in the routine as it adds in a layer of moisture to the skin which is very much needed after you have cleaned up your body, and thus protects it. It also acts as a barrier for the skin so that no amount of dirt can enter the skin further.

How often to use: 1x a day generally in the morning (can be used 2x a day Once in the morning and once at night)

How to use: Just take a little amount of it on your palm, and apply on the whole body part by part, massaging the area of skin slowly for 2-3 minutes so that the product is evenly spread on the body.

Lotions often comes in different varieties based on skin type, age, etc. with some providing other benefits for the skin alongside. 

You can choose what’s best for you, keeping in mind, your skin type. 

They are also sold by labels such as body moisturisers, body butter, body cream, etc. but ultimately do the very same job which I mentioned above. 

3. Sunscreens: Sunscreens are even more important than most of the steps, and comes right after you apply the body lotion. They basically helps in protecting our skin from sun damage and premature ageing, which can later become a cause for skin cancer, sunburns, and many more problems caused by spending excessive time under sun without any protection.

How often to use: 1x a day during the daytime

How to use: As a general rule, apply it 15-20 minutes before going out in the sun or coming in contact with the Sun’s rays. 

For the amount, either can take half a teaspoon of it for the face, neck and each arm and one teaspoon for each leg, front of torso and back, or alternatively you can apply one layer of the product first, then apply a second layer of it, to make sure you are covered, if you don’t want to measure the appropriate amount!

In total, it is said to be equivalent upto a shot glass, but from my viewpoint, you can do more or less, according to your needs as it depends on the time you are going to spend in the sun, and your body’s surface area that is exposed to the sun, due to the fact that everyone does not have the same body type or size or height, or amount of melanin present in their respective bodies and the application of sunscreen to some extent depends on these factors too. 

Other names they are known by, are sun creams and sun blocks, and they all do the same job. 

They too comes in different variations, so choose your best option and follow with the routine. 

I would suggest to go for the ones that suits your skin type but also according to the SPF and PA ratings, or equivalent to it as broad spectrum. The better choices comes between SPF 30-50 and PA +++ to ++++, or broad spectrum written on it. 

The next few steps are not to be followed every day as a routine, but should be followed every week or every 10 days approximately:

4. Scrubs: A body scrub is a general need for the skin, to be used at regular intervals within a month. It helps the skin get clearer by removing all the dead skin cells that have accumulated over a period of time on your body and thus gives a smoother look and feel to it, and also prevents clogged pores, dirt accumulation etc.

How often to use: Depending on the skin type and needs, 1x a week or 1x within every 10-14 days (Generally at night).

Where to incorporate with basic routine: Just after you have cleaned the body with a cleanser, the body scrub is used.

How to use: Take a little amount of it on your finger tips and slowly using gentle pressure and circular motions, apply the scrub on the whole body part by part for 2-3 minutes. Put extra emphasis on areas where pores are big and visible.

They also comes in different variations, with different benefits and for different skin types. Even the little beads in them comes in different sizes and varieties, so choose accordingly!

Scrubs are known by another name, exfoliators, which does the same job.

5. Packs: This next step comes just after you are done with the exfoliating step. Body packs help the skin in providing it with multiple benefits, like brightening, glowing, reducing acne and pimples, detanning, removal of pigmentation, a smoother skin, hydrated skin etc. along with some nutrients, as well as closing the pores or shrinking them etc.

How often to use: Similar to Scrubs, depending on the skin type, 1x a week or 1x within 10-14 days (Generally at night).

How to use: Take the appropriate amount needed for the body on your fingers and apply all over the body parts evenly, wait for about 20 minutes to let it dry. After this, you either wet the body with water directly or wet the fingers and slowly remove the layer in parts, until your whole body is clean. 

They are also sold by the other names such as body masks and ubtan but do the same thing only. 

Packs also come in different variations, according to the benefits they provide, or ingredients, although ubtans usually have similar ingredients but they differ in compositions which is why their way of showing results also differs, with most of them having home made recipies, so you can choose any one of them as you wish!

Basic beauty routine for face

Many people struggle to find a basic routine at a young age because they are unaware about it. But if we don’t follow a certain routine, no matter the age, we are definitely going to do more harm than good to our skin’s health!

Our skin might show issues such as blackheads, excess oil or sebum production, redness, dryness, burnout, tanning, hyperpigmentation, ageing and fine lines, clogged pores etc to name a few, due to lack of proper care and routine which can further cause damage to our skin. And, then it might take a lot of effort and time to deal with such issues and sometimes the damage becomes irreversible. 

To help save your skin from such problems, here is what the basic beauty routine required for the face looks like: 

1. Cleansers – Cleansers are the first step in a beauty routine, as they clean the surface dirt along with the pollution and impurities that gets accumulated on the face during the day. They mainly helps in leaving the skin clean and free of all the dirt and impurities so that your skin is ready for the next step!

How often to use – 2x a day (Once in the morning as you wake up and at night before going to bed).

How to use – Splash the face with water, take a little amount of the product on your finger tips and use circular motions on face while applying gentle pressure until it lathers well for about 2-3 minutes and rinse with water afterwards. Pat dry, but don’t rub the face with soft towel. 

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Now cleansers come in different variations, based on ingredients, concern type, skin type, etc. and you can choose which one suits you the best, and follow with the routine. 

As a tip, go for the ones, that suits your skin type, and the weather conditions, and the cleanser itself will take care of the rest!

Sometimes, they also come to be known as face washes, but don’t worry, they all do the same job ultimately. 

2. Toners – Then comes the next step of toning. What Toners basically do is help in cleaning out the impurities from the pores that are present in our skin, so that there is no amount of dirt left in them as cleansers can leave some amount of residue, and also helps in balancing the skin’s pH level, hence prepare the skin for next step. 

How often to use – 2x a day (Once in the morning as you wake up and at night before going to bed).

How to use – Take a cotton ball or cotton pad, either spray or pour a few drops of toner on it, and apply all over the face, putting emphasis on areas where pores are big or specific area of concern, and let the skin soak it in for a while.  

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Toners also, like cleansers, comes in different variations, based on skin type, concerns etc and so it’s your choice again!

Sometimes, they are sold by another name called astringent, which contains alcohol, and is intended to use for oily skin types only. 

In my opinion, As alcohol is said to be damaging to skin, even oily skin types should avoid alcohol based toners. 

3. Moisturisers – Moisturisers are an important step in the routine as it adds in a layer of moisture to the skin which is very much needed after you have cleaned up your face, and thus protects it. It also acts as a barrier for the skin so that no amount of dirt can enter the skin further. 

How often to use – 2x a day (Once in the morning as you wake up and at night before going to bed).

How to use – Just take a little amount of it on finger tips, and apply on the face using dots on all areas, massaging the skin slowly for 2-3 minutes so that the product is evenly spread on the whole face. 

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Moisturisers often comes for different times of the day, one for the morning and another for the night time, with similar varieties based on skin type, age etc. and marketed as providing other benefits for the skin alongside. 

You can choose what’s best for you, keeping in mind, your skin type. 

They are also sold by another name, day creams or night creams, and lotions for face, but ultimately do the very same job which I mentioned above. 

4. Sunscreens – Sunscreens are even more important than most of the other steps, and comes right after you apply the moisturiser. They basically helps in protecting our skin from sun damage and premature ageing, which can in the long run become a cause for skin cancer, sunburns, and many more problems caused by spending excessive time under sun without any protection. 

How often to use – 1x during daytime. 

How to use – As a general rule, apply it 15-20 minutes before going out in the sun or coming in contact with the Sun’s rays. 

For the amount, either can take half a teaspoon of it for the face, neck and each arm and one teaspoon for each leg, front of torso and back, or alternatively you can apply one layer of the product first, then apply a second layer of it, to make sure you are covered, if you don’t want to measure the appropriate amount!

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In total, it is said to be equivalent upto a shot glass, but from my viewpoint, you can do more or less, according to your needs as it depends on the time you are going to spend in the sun, and your body’s surface area that is exposed to the sun, due to the fact that everyone does not have the same body type or the amount of melanin present in their respective bodies and the application of sunscreen, to some extent, depends on these factors too. 

Other names they are known by, are sun creams and sun blocks, and they all do the same job. 

They too comes in different variations, so choose your best option and follow with the routine. 

I would suggest to go for the ones that suits your skin type but also according to the SPF and PA ratings, or equivalent to it as broad spectrum. The better choices comes between SPF 30-50 and PA +++ to ++++, or broad spectrum written on it. 

5. Lip balms – This is not generally a step, but is an essential one for taking care of your lips. Lip balms are products that helps in preventing the lips from chapping and flaking due to dryness in cold and dry seasons, and also keeps them hydrated as well as moisturised all throughout the day. 

How often to use – 2x a day (Once in the morning as you wake up and at night before going to bed).

How to use – Nobody will need to know on how to use a lip balm, just open the cap and if it comes in a jar/ tub, apply with a finger, and if in tube form, then turn the base around so that the product comes out and apply it on your lips! Usually people prefer tube form as it is hygienic, easy to use and hassle free. 

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They too comes in varieties, of many kinds of flavours, and colors with additional benefits, so you can choose any one of them, but keep in mind that they do their job as not all of them work as they need to. 

The one thing to know is that they all need to be re-applied very often (every 3-4 hours), so choose one that stays for longer periods of time on your lips. 

The next few steps are not to be followed every day as a routine, but to be followed every week only:

6. Scrubs – A face scrub is a general need for the skin, to be used at regular intervals within a week. It helps the skin get clearer by removing all the dead skin cells that have accumulated over a period of time on the face, and thus gives it a smoother look and feel to it, and also prevents clogged pores, blackheads etc. 

How often to use – Depending on the skin type and needs, 1x/ 2x a week (Generally at night).

Where to incorporate with basic routine – Just after you have washed your face and cleaned up well using a cleanser, the face scrub is used. 

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How to use – For physical ones, take a little amount of it on your finger tips and slowly using gentle pressure and circular motions, apply the scrub on face for 2-3 minutes. Put extra emphasis on areas where pores are big and visible, generally it is the T zone and rinse with water. 

They also comes in different variations, with different benefits and for different skin types. Even the little beads in them comes in different sizes and varities, so choose accordingly!

For the chemical ones, use them after you are done with toning, by pouring a little amount on finger tips and applying on face wherever is needed, and follow with a moisturiser or a sheet mask. As these don’t contain any beads, and are concentrated with chemicals, use them cautiously with any other product in the routine, as the skin can give reactions if it interferes with any other ingredient. 

Scrubs are known by another name, exfoliators, which do the same job. 

7. Masks – This next step comes just after you are done with the exfoliating step. Masks help the skin in providing it with multiple benefits, like brightening, glowing, reducing acne and pimples, detanning, depigmentation, a smoother skin, hydrated skin etc. along with some nutrients, as well as closing the pores or shrinking them etc.  

How often to use  Similar to Scrubs, depending on the skin type, 1x/ 2x a week (Generally at night). 

How to use – Take the appropriate amount needed for your face either on your fingers or on a brush, and apply all over the face evenly, wait for about 20 minutes to let the mask dry up. After this, you either splash water directly on face or take a wet washcloth and slowly remove the layer in parts with either your fingers or washcloth, until your whole face is clean. 

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They are also known by the name face packs, and do the same thing. 

For modern day sheet masks, take the sheet mask out and put it on face at proper places and positions, and wait for 15-20 minutes, then remove the mask, and massage the rest into the face with your finger tips and yay you are done!

Masks also comes in different variations, according to benefits they provide, or ingredients and so you can choose any one  of them as you wish. 

Additional tip : For all the steps, take at least 30 seconds break in between or wait for at least 30 seconds before going for the next step, so that the skin can adjust to and absorb the product you used without interfering with the product of the next step. 

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